Written by Retha Louw


Every stakeholder’s voice is more important than ever in today’s diverse and complex agricultural landscape. From producers and agri-workers on the farm to global buyers and beyond, the ability to raise concerns and ensure they are addressed effectively is crucial for fostering transparency and sustainability. SIZA (The Sustainability Initiative of South Africa) is committed to ensuring these voices are heard and addressed through a comprehensive and holistic approach to grievance management. Additionally, SIZA is fully equipped and strategically positioned to track data, ensuring a credible and holistic approach to grievance management and sustainability practices.

SIZA’s centralised system, which was developed into the MySIZA Platform, allows stakeholders to raise concerns directly, advancing transparency and efficiency in resolving issues. This system also ensures effective data gathering and a fair resolution process for all involved. Whether it’s a worker concerned about conditions on the farm or a producer reporting unethical practices, SIZA’s approach ensures that every query is managed carefully, allowing all stakeholders to engage in the process so that they can comply with the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, adopted in May 2024. For more information on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, feel free to visit the European Commission’s page here: CSDDD.


How Does the SIZA Voice for All Programme Work?

The SIZA Voice for All programme ensures that all parties within the value chain have adequate avenues to lodge complaints. SIZA provides multiple grievance options, including the MySIZA Platform’s complaints system, direct email, a toll-free hotline, WhatsApp, in-person visits, or social media. Once a complaint is received, it is directed to the SIZA complaints committee, which appoints an investigator to handle the matter.

The investigator determines whether the complaint falls under the SIZA mandate. The complainant is referred to the appropriate party or organization if it does not. If it does, the investigator informs the relevant stakeholders, conducts a thorough review or investigation, and ensures remedial action is implemented. Throughout this process, stakeholders such as buyers and other interested parties are engaged to ensure the best possible resolution.

SIZA’s grievance management programme is designed to be accessible and effective for all stakeholders, from workers to auditors to civil society groups. Workers can report issues anonymously through various channels, including a toll-free hotline, WhatsApp, email, or the MySIZA Platform. This ensures their safety and encourages more individuals to come forward without fear of retaliation. Producers also have multiple channels to voice their concerns, particularly if they have issues with an auditor or another party implementing illegal practices.  SIZA ensures these grievances are handled objectively, with independent experts recommending resolving disputes.

Auditors are also supported by SIZA’s programme as key players in the value chain. If they encounter issues during an audit, they can file a complaint, and SIZA will engage with the audit firm to determine the best course of action.

Civil society organizations and NGOs representing agri-workers and their interests are also included in the grievance process. SIZA ensures these groups can engage with the complaints process, allowing for a broader representation of worker voices.

Expectations of Buyers

For buyers, SIZA’s robust complaint mechanisms offer significant benefits. By addressing complaints through a rigorous process, risks within the supply chain are managed effectively. This transparency allows buyers to make informed decisions about their supply chains, ensuring they source products from compliant and ethical producers.

In summary, SIZA’s comprehensive grievance management programme ensures that the voices of all stakeholders are heard and addressed, information is validated and evaluated, and data is compiled. SIZA is helping to drive continuous improvement in South Africa’s agricultural sector by coordinating transparency and accountability.  We are trying to avoid duplication and for suppliers to sign up with multiple global platforms.  The SIZA Voice for All programme have the option to share data to relevant parties with the focus to meet EU requirements. For any queries about the process, stakeholders are encouraged to contact SIZA directly via email at retha@siza.co.za or at (+27) 21 852 8184.