During a SIZA audit, when a SIZA auditor makes a finding, the auditor must allocate a risk rating to each finding. The risk rating of the finding will be based on the root cause of the problem and certain risk factors observed on the day.
During a SIZA audit, when a SIZA auditor makes a finding, the auditor must allocate a risk rating to each finding. The risk rating of the finding will be based on the root cause of the problem and certain risk factors observed on the day.
SIZA het die omgewings tweede-party verifïeringsprogram geïmplementeer as deel van sy strewe na voortdurende verbetering en om omgewingsrisiko’s in die landbousektor te bestuur.
SIZA implemented the Environmental Second-Party Verification programme as part of its drive towards continuous improvement and to manage environmental risks within the agricultural sector.
Between the period of 1 January 2020 to 31 October 2020, a total of 65 farms that form part of the 2020 Environmental Second-Party Verification sample group were visited.
SIZA social site visits were implemented as part of SIZA’s between-audit monitoring policy to verify the producer’s approved Social Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) and to ensure practices remain in place between audit validity periods.
After the restrictions of the nationwide lockdown under Alert Level 5 were lifted, Environmental Second-Party Verifications continued in full-swing from the 1st of May 2020.
For the 2019/2020 sample group, a total of 72 farms were verified of which the majority were located in the Western Cape.