SIZA social site visits were implemented as part of SIZA’s between-audit monitoring policy to verify the producer’s approved Social Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) and to ensure practices remain in place between audit validity periods. These visits are done as a second-party verification by SIZA and will not relate to additional costs to members. The aim of these visits is to identify possible areas of improvement so that the producers can be ready for the next third-party audit once it is required. As per agreement between SIZA and global markets, SIZA will conduct site visits as part of their between-audit monitoring policy to ensure compliance is continuously met in between audits periods, through both desktop and site verifications.   

In total 21 farms were selected to undergo a site visit from SIZA. 15 farms were visited in 2020 and the remaining six farms will be visited during November. The SIZA team received a warm and friendly welcome on each of the sites they visited.