During a SIZA audit, when a SIZA auditor makes a finding, the auditor must allocate a risk rating to each finding. The risk rating of the finding will be based on the root cause of the problem and certain risk factors observed on the day.
During a SIZA audit, when a SIZA auditor makes a finding, the auditor must allocate a risk rating to each finding. The risk rating of the finding will be based on the root cause of the problem and certain risk factors observed on the day.
South Africa has several laws regarding asbestos, specifically on managing it when it is present on a site. The regulations give employers a clear duty to identify asbestos in place and manage it properly. This duty is also extended to employees to take care of their health and safety and also look after others who may be affected. The Asbestos Abatement Regulations, as promulgated in November 2020, set out the requirements for the disposal of asbestos under Section 21.
The legal right to work needs to be clarified for producers and auditors, particularly when employing foreign nationals. Before being employed by a South African business, all foreign workers in South Africa must possess a valid passport or ID and the necessary work permits. Employing foreign nationals without a valid work permit and passport is illegal under the Immigration Act 13 of 2002 (as amended).
When infrastructure allows, employers should provide electricity at agri-worker accommodation where housing deductions are made. If 10% of the farm employee’s wages are deducted for accommodation, additional electricity charges can only be made if an adequate prepaid meter is installed. This allows the occupant’s usage to be measured, with the cost deducted accordingly—only if both parties agree in writing beforehand.
Effective soil management is essential for boosting farming productivity, supporting crop health, enhancing water retention, and maintaining ecosystem balance. Within the SIZA Environmental Standard, soil management is key in ensuring farm sustainability and audit compliance. While soil enhancement practices can be adapted based on specific conditions, common techniques such as soil health assessments, erosion control, nutrient management, and minimising compaction are widely used to promote soil health and prevent degradation.
It’s crucial to ensure your contact information on the SIZA platform is accurate and current to keep you fully informed and updated on important developments. Audits are costly and have become increasingly important over the last few years. Therefore, it is important to gain as much knowledge about this expense in your business as possible because, without proof of compliance, you cannot access a variety of markets to sell your products. Having the right contacts listed allows us to deliver timely, relevant communication to the right person in your business.
Housing – is the producer responsible for unmade beds, dirty dishes, or other hygiene matters inside an occupant’s house? If a business offers accommodation to its workers, certain legislative requirements are applicable to that business, and also certain compliance criteria will be measured. The “state of the occupants living arrangements” is not regulated by law, […]
Housing – is the producer responsible for unmade beds, dirty dishes, or other hygiene matters inside an occupant’s house? If a business offers accommodation to its workers, certain legislative requirements are applicable to that business, and also certain compliance criteria will be measured. The “state of the occupants living arrangements” is not regulated by law, […]
Why did my audit risk rating change from Platinum to Gold? As part of the Terms & Conditions of SIZA, when registering with the programme, a producer must drive continuous improvement and implement the required practices within their business. The aim is to get fewer findings and a higher rating during the next audit cycle. […]
It is employers’ responsibility to ensure that service providers comply with legal requirements, as they are jointly and severally liable for any non-compliances raised against a service provider they have contracted.