The key aspects to a successful business are awareness and communication, which go together hand in hand. If a business is not aware of the requirements and practices that are expected of them, they cannot successfully manage the risks and requirements in their business.
At SIZA, we use our monthly newsletters to convey important information and to answer our members’ and markets’ queries and concerns. We also periodically send out communication via direct email when necessary, for example when it is important to inform members quickly to ensure that they can be up to date with changes and market requirements. For this reason, it is important to ensure that the email address on your profile is always up to date, that the email inbox is checked regularly, and that the emails are read and understood.
The MySIZA platform also periodically sends out automatic notifications to members to inform them of activity on their profiles. We realise that producers do not have the time to sit in front of their computers all day, and therefore we use these platform notifications to notify you when action is needed on your MySIZA profile. These platform emails are incredibly important, as they inform you of your membership expiry or activity, SAQ deadlines and feedback, audit information, requests from markets to gain visibility on your profile, password updates, training, and more. Please ensure that the email address used ( is marked as “safe” in your emails, to prevent these communications from going into your spam folders.
SIZA cannot reasonably be expected to inform our members of important information without using email communication, and the expectation is that members read and understand the communication we send out. We promise to only send relevant and important communication not to flood your inbox with unnecessary information which will waste your time. Please take the time to read our communication.
If you believe that the email address on your profile is incorrect, please contact Lynn Taute ( to update your details. If you want to add someone to our distribution list to receive information as an additional contact point, please go to the SIZA website ( and complete the form there. You are also welcome to follow SIZA’s social network profiles on Facebook and Twitter.