Tag Archives: Audits

South Africa has several laws regarding asbestos, specifically on managing it when it is present on a site. The regulations give employers a clear duty to identify asbestos in place and manage it properly. This duty is also extended to employees to take care of their health and safety and also look after others who may be affected. The Asbestos Abatement Regulations, as promulgated in November 2020, set out the requirements for the disposal of asbestos under Section 21.

South Africa’s agricultural sector is at the heart of the country’s efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of global objectives established in 2015 to promote prosperity and sustainability by 2030. However, with growing challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, and land degradation, meeting these goals will require more than just policy reforms — it will demand rigorous environmental oversight, particularly through environmental auditing.

It’s crucial to ensure your contact information on the SIZA platform is accurate and current to keep you fully informed and updated on important developments. Audits are costly and have become increasingly important over the last few years. Therefore, it is important to gain as much knowledge about this expense in your business as possible because, without proof of compliance, you cannot access a variety of markets to sell your products. Having the right contacts listed allows us to deliver timely, relevant communication to the right person in your business.

From 01 April 2023 until 31 March 2024, 713 SIZA Social (ethical) Audits were conducted in South Africa on farms and packhouses. These audits were conducted throughout various seasons and included a wide variety of agricultural crops and commodities.

The cost of compliance has always been a sensitive and uncomfortable subject. The aim of compliance is not to create financial strain on the business but a requirement to ensure a third-party certification body has evaluated specific requirements of a standard required by the farm’s clients/buyers.

Housing – is the producer responsible for unmade beds, dirty dishes, or other hygiene matters inside an occupant’s house?  If a business offers accommodation to its workers, certain legislative requirements are applicable to that business, and also certain compliance criteria will be measured. The “state of the occupants living arrangements” is not regulated by law, […]