The use, storage, and disposal of biodegradable industrial wastewater, that is, wastewater that contains predominantly organic waste from industrial/commercial activities, is classified as a Section 21(e) and/or 21(g) water use activity by the National Water Act 36 of 1998 (NWA). This water use includes the disposal of wastewater through on-site disposal facilities such as direct soakaway systems, French drains, pit latrines, septic- and conservancy tank systems, and the reuse of wastewater for beneficial purposes, such as irrigation. This also includes the storage of waste-containing water for the purpose of either reuse or disposal. The management of biodegradable industrial wastewater is governed by the general authorisations published in Government Notice no.665 in Government Gazette no. 36820, of 6 September 2013.
As the quantity and quality of wastewater produced on the property will determine the end-use, management must ensure that the disposal wastewater on site does not pose a threat to the environment and that it is continuously monitored.