The role and functions played by Health and Safety Representatives is valuable to all employers. Health and Safety Representatives have various Health and Safety responsibilities, which if carried out properly in line with legal requirements, will assist the employer in providing and maintaining a healthy and safe workplace.

Appointing Health and Safety Representatives

Employers who have more than 20 employees in their employment at any workplace, must a Health and Safety representative in writing for the workplace for a specified period. The law further states that an employer must have at least one Health and Safety representative for every 50 employees (e.g. 51 employees requires two Health and Safety representatives). Only employees employed in a full-time capacity (permanently), shall be eligible for designation as a Health and Safety representative.

The appointment letter (the Section 17.1 Health and Safety Representative Appointment Letter) should contain the following information:

  • Date of Appointment
  • Name and Surname of the Health and Safety Representative
  • Area of responsibility
  • Period for which appointed
  • Duties as stipulated in Section 18 of the OHSA
  • Signed by the employer (signed by the 16.1 CEO/Ultimate responsible person or the 16.2 Assistant CEO/Designated ultimate responsible person)
  • Must be signed by the Health and Safety representative


For more information on H&S Management, feel free to download the SIZA guideline on H&S Management in the agri-business here.