The new Sedex SAQ was released late in February this year. The previous SAQ which is now renamed “Legacy SAQ” is available and visible to markets. The Legacy SAQ will remain visible to growers’ markets for a period of 12 months, from February 2020 to February 2021. SIZA is currently capturing data on the new SAQs of which 797 out of 1 554 SAQs have already been captured.
SIZA manually transferred 167 SIZA ethical audits to the Sedex platform since January 2020. All audits that are completed in full (namely that all corrective actions have been approved) are uploaded and published on Sedex to ensure markets gain adequate access.
Links & relationships
SIZA is continuing with its efforts to service markets across the UK, Europe and America to ensure all buyers have sufficient visibility to their supply chain. So far, about 2 755 links were created from January 2020 to date. SIZA furthermore gained 5 new relationships from markets.