SIZA, the Sustainability Initiative of South Africa, provides a platform for agricultural stakeholders to ensure ethical and environmentally sustainable trade. This platform monitors care for the environment and compliance with labour legislation. Our aim is to encourage continuous improvement in practices over time in excess of the minimum legal requirements. We engage directly with our stakeholders throughout the value chain in order to manage risks and identify needs and issues. Interventions and support tools are created by measuring member compliance over time.
SIZA supports a diverse membership with a total of 4,281 users registered on the MySIZA platform, including primary members (producers and packhouses), secondary members (exporters, importers, and retailers), and tertiary members (audit personnel, consultants, GHG specialists). Currently, there are 2,306 active primary member profiles for the SIZA Social module and 1,327 for both the Social and Environmental modules. Additionally, 277 members are registered for Digital Recordkeeping, with 44 having completed their carbon footprint calculation. Over the past four months, environmental audits grew by 260% and digital recordkeeping by 85% compared to the same period in 2023. SIZA trained 1,554 members across South Africa, with 1,134 from the Western Cape, comprising 73% of all attendees.
Climate change causes the planet to warm up, leading to more extreme weather events like warmer temperatures, bigger storms, and more droughts, all affecting farming!
Together, we can help save and care for the environment. SIZA has a video and informative posters in multiple languages available that can assist businesses in raising awareness amongst agri-workers. Check them out here:
"SIZA aims through the platform, to give visibility throughout the value chain to retailers and exporters on their members."
"Both the industry and the retailers see SIZA as a solution for the fruit industry to manage international ethical labour practice requirements and to farm cost effectively. "
"SIZA aims to have a cost effective approach for growers by supplying one standard and one audit no matter which market a producer supplies."